Monthly Archives: July, 2020


Communications infrastructure, network and AI, biggest winners of the pandemic – Naoki Fujiwara, CFM, Shinkin Asset Mgt. Co.

The COVID-19 is set to render some industries and business models irrelevant while eventually accentuating and creating some others. According to asset management expert,...

Do you want to launch a new product? This is how to navigate a crowded market

Except you are creating new markets through rare innovation, you will have to compete for space in an existing one. Competing for space in...

Implementation of the ACFTA in 2021 to boost Nigeria service sector – Stears Business

By January 2021, the reality for 55 African countries will take a new turn. State leaders will knock down restrictions on movement across the...

How to build a customer base and sustain recurring revenue

Building a customer base and securing future recurring revenue demand effective strategy to lure and sustain target. A business often begins by spreading words about...

Global crisis unleashes new companies, new markets and industries – Heidi Zak, Co-CEO, ThirdLove

As crisis roils the world economy due to prolonged lockdown, successful entrepreneurs say the period presents a blend of problems that entrepreneurs can build...

Agro-business giant seeks entries for innovation prize

Olam International, in partnership with Agropolis Fondation, is on the hunt for ground-breaking scientific research that can deliver transformational impacts within global agriculture and...