FarmCrowdy is an agro-business platform that connects willing investors, called ‘farm sponsors’, with farmers across Nigeria. Investors or sponsors make a return-on-investment of between 20%-50% within an investment window of 9 months to 1 year.
The model is simple. FarmCrowdy collate and train farmers in remote farmlands; sponsors put money into the farmers’ work, while the platform further help open up market access for sales of the produce locally and overseas, at harvest to facilitate quick returns for the sponsors and farmers. Investment opportunities comprise snail farming, cassava farming, maize farming, ginger farming, vegetable farming, beef processing, poultry and more.
The investment opportunities available on the FarmCrowdy platform is bound for growth as new government policy is in favour of the business. The Central Bank of Nigeria having withdrawn Forex from importers of certain agro produce, internal production and consumption of certain produce are set to rise. More,borders connecting Nigeria to neighbouring countries are being put under intense checks or totally closed to restrain illegal passage of goods into Nigeria.
Baring unlikely micro and macro economic changes in terms of unfavourable environmental and climactic conditions in Nigeria, and global economic meltdown, investors, especially the sponsors and farmers on platforms such as FarmCrowdy, FarmConnect, and ThriveAgric, will certainly receive their 20%-50% yield in the harvest circle. It seems a smarter investment choice compared to stocks and forex.
Meanwhile, investment opportunities on the platform range between N40, 000 to several hundred thousands and more for farm sponsors. The steps involved are simple:
1. Visit FarmCrowdy website or its competitors or office in Lekki
2. Make enquiries
3. Tighten up your contracts and provide account
4. Keep close contact with the business